Creativitek Case Studies

Interactive Sports and Gaming Platform-Warrawong Plaza

The client: JLL is a global real estate services firm specialising in commercial property and investment management. This service was provided for Warrawong Plaza (formerly Westfield Warrawong).

Challenge: What is a trendy and novel activation we can bring to the centre to further promote our brand as the “centre of entertainment”?


  • To bring a novel and trendy activation to their centre
  • To keep shopping centre patrons entertained and engaged during January 2023
  • To promote the brand as the “centre of entertainment”

Solution: The CreativiTek team provided a projection-based interactive platform that mixed gaming and sporting. The interactive system allowed shoppers of all ages and with different skill levels to play games, socialise and have some physical activity time in a large area. A wide range of ball games was provided using the system for shoppers to easily choose from, and shoppers were also able to compete against each other to get more points.

The games were projected on a large wall and this created an amazing visual experience for both players and onlookers. Multiple powerful sensors captured every hit on the big projected screen and provided real-time feedback and a highly engaging gaming experience.

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